Monday, May 30, 2011

Kompong Khleang and Floating Village on Tonle' Sap Lake

After visiting the market we headed out of town to Kompong Khleang - one of the largest communities on the Tonle' Sap River.  Most of the houses here are built on towering stilts to allow for a dramatic change in water level during the wet season.  It was quite a sight to see. The people of the village were going about their business along the river to the lake.

The floating school for the children of the floating village. It is on Tonle' Sap, the largest freshwater lake in Southeast Asia.  It provides fish and irrigation water for half the people of Cambodia.  It is also a home for 90,000 people, many of them ethnic Vietnamese who live in 170 floating villages.

We had an issue with fish nets getting caught in our motor.
Our captain cleaned them up and put the nets on top of the boat. 

Back to Cambodia Trip.....Crocodiles and Local Market

Solin's family raises crocodiles in their back yard.  We were given the opportunity to see them and to also visit the local market Solin uses for her daily shopping.

 Stan is getting a good whiff of the stinky fruit.  I guess it wasn't too, too bad.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Easy Yard Work

Stan rented this machine from an outfit down in Valdez.  It made raking/thatching the lawn much easier this year.  We'll have to see what benefits it provided us as the summer progresses. 

Our Friendly Fox

We have watched this fox for quite some time.  I was surprised one day when I turned from raking and noticed it about 10 feet from me.  It is not skittish around people.  We do try to keep our distance, though.  Stan was working outside at the shop and the fox hung around for quite some time.  It was just watching the action.

I thought the moose was my biggest problem in my garden.  I may be wrong.  The fox was in my pea bed listening for a vole.  Sure enough - it got one.